

6/19 (月) ~ 22 (木)

【6/22 (木)、小雨ときどき曇り】
Shall I stop writing here I wondered.
It may be useless, but I do like writing.
It will be gone away and it just fine with me.
So I started again.

Went to a pool for walking exercise.
Getting somewhere for sure.

Then the area patrol as usual.

【6/21 (水)、曇りときどき晴れ】
Had been pruning kiwi trees.
It's so hard, don't cut the branches with fruits.

【20 (火)、曇りときどき晴れ】
In the morning I worked cleaning around the garden of my parents' home,
and then around the street.

In the afternoon I went to my farm to take care of kiwi trees.
It is very hard too much branches running around.

【6/19 (月)、曇り】
Rewrote diary orderly.
Mostly it lasts few days or only that day.

Went to cut weeds around a parking lot.

A DM letter I got.
It looks like I had concerned too much about stiff accounting with small business.