

11/27 (月) ~ 12/1 (金)

12/1 (金)、曇りときどき晴れ
I went to the farm B.
But I had to prepare for the travel starting next day.
So I came back earlily.

11/30 (木)、晴れ
In the morning I had been staying at home.

In the aftenoon I had attended the area patrol.
Then went to a pool for the walk exercise.

11/29 (水)、晴れ
Worked in the farm B.

11/28 (火)、晴れ強い風
Cut some bamboos in the farm B.
The wind was high though.

11/27 (月)、晴れ
I went to my cousin to help her to use her tablet and her PC.

The gas price came down to 163 yens / Litter, 2 yens down.