

6/26 (月) ~ 6/29 (木)

6/29 (木)、晴れ
Hottest day in June.
I went to a pool and maybe because of the heat I found new commers.
I walked one and half hours.

In the afternoon the area patrol was under the hot sun.

I'd been at home later hours of the day, resting myself.

6/28 (水)、晴れ時々曇り
I had to go to a bank to pay my tax.
And then to a shopping mall to buy some coffee beans.

Hot day.
Had been working outside, and with a lot of sweat
my T-shirt started smell awful.

6/27 (火)、曇りときどき晴れ
Worked on kiwi trees.
It was a hot day.

6/26 (月)、曇り時々晴れ
Called the city office,
someone wanted a phone number.

Worked on an eltax thing.
Very hard and annoying.
Not easy like amazon purchase.

Later worked on kiwi.