

7/28 (金) ~ 7/30 (日)

7/30 (日)、晴れ
Hottest day around the area so we went to cafe and shopping in a local store.
Where we can be under cool condition.

I had been rest in the afternoon and went for the evening area patrol.

7/29 (土)、晴れ
In the early morning went to vegi field.
Then house cleaning.

I stayed home whole afternoon and I went to area patrol in the evening.

And later I went to area matsuri festival to watch the garvage collecting bins.

7/28 (金)、晴れ
Too hot.
It was 36 ℃ in my ancesters' house.
Too hot to work.
I layed myself down on tatami mats for a while, and all these sweats all over.

Around 2:30 pm I went out to vegi field to work on weeds.