

7/31 (月) ~ 8/3 (木)

8/3 (木)、晴れ
I went to the area patrol in the morning as usual.
Already hot there.

In the afternoon I went to a pool for my walk exercise.

And alas the gas!
It was 177 yens / L today, another 4 yens per litter up!
Damn it!

8/2 (水)、晴れ
Working on a farm is fun but we went out to cafe to have a cool air.

Later in the afternoon we went to our farm.

8/1 (火)、曇りと少し雨
The gas price got higher again.
It is 173 yens / L and 3 yens up.

It rained in the early morning but still hot.

Stayed in a farm house whole day.

7/31 (月)、晴れ
Well as usual I went weeds cutting in the morning.
I just cut them and leave them there for resource recycling.

Stayed in a farm house, too hot outside.