

8/21 (月) ~ 8/24 (木)

8/24 (木)、晴れ一時小雨
The area patrol in the morning as usual.

Went out to cafe and a little shopping later.

When I arrived at the pool, to my surprise I found the whole building is under
No pool until middle of September.

8/23 (水)、晴れ時々雨
No field work today, because of sometimes rushing rain.

No autumon feeling at all.
Hot and high humidity.

I'm not too used to the wet and hot condition of this year.

8/22 (火)、曇りときどき晴れ
Few field work in the morning.
Stayed at home because I feel tired after yesterday's work.

8/21 (月)、晴れときどき曇り
I was on the field almost whole day.
And so hot and so tired.