

8/25 (金) ~ 8/27 (日)

8/27 (日)、晴れときどき小雨
Went for the early time weed cutting in the relatively cool temperature.

Then we went for shopping.

In the afternoon I went to my field to cut weeds.
There I've found Chestnuts.

8/26 (土)、晴れときどき雨
No early time weed cutting.
House cleaning and shopping in the morning.

Stayed at home in the afternoon because of rain.

8/25 (金)、晴れ
Early morning cutting weeds.
I found later that I forgot my "kama," or cutting tool somewhere in the field.
In the afternoon I've found it.

Another cutting weeds in the afternoon.

And today the gas price came to 182 yens/Litter, +2 yens up.