

11/13 (月) ~ 11/16 (木)

11/16 (木)、晴れ
I had stayed at home because of my fever whole day.
Asked my wife to took our car to a dealer for its 6 month check.

In the evening I went to a clinic to be checked if I were infuru, Covid or ELSE.
Doctor just took my thing inside my nose and showed me the result.
I was ELSE.

11/15 (水)、曇り
Went to the farm A to cut tree branches.
Then to the farm B to cut bamboos.

It was a cold day and I caught cold.

11/14 (火)、晴れ
Cut tree branches in the farm A.
And cut bamboos in the farm B.

11/13 (月)、曇りのち晴れ
Went to the farm B to cut bamboos.